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Does Your Child Know Where Their Blue Asthma Inhaler Is Right Now?

Your child’s blue asthma inhaler could be the difference between life and death and

carrying it with them at all times cannot be understated. “On average 3 people die

from an asthma attack in the UK every day” (Asthma UK)

Of course, this can be challenging especially for children at school, in fact their

mobile phone would probably rank higher in importance to them.

Most, if not all schools encourage asthmatic pupils to participate fully in all activities

which include sports or games as this is an essential part of school life.

Children should know where their inhaler is and have immediate access to it at all

times which will help and support them in taking advantage of the full learning

curriculum, regardless of what activities they are taking part in.

If you were to ask your child right now where their phone was, I would guarantee you

would get an answer straight away (unless they didn’t want you reading their

messages!). Repeat the question again regarding their inhaler and see what they


Always check that your child’s inhaler is in date and in their bag before leaving for

school. They should also know where the school’s spare emergency inhaler is kept

should they need it.


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